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EV Common Charger Grant (ECCG)

LTA has launched the Electric Vehicle Common Charger Grant (ECCG) to kickstart the installation of shared charging infrastructure in non-landed private residences (NLPRs).

The ECCG will co-fund installation costs of 2,000 EV chargers at NLPRs, as an early adoption incentive. As NLPRs form a significant proportion of residences in Singapore, improving charger provision and access is an important step towards improving the coverage of Singapore’s national EV charging network. At the 2021 Committee of Supply debates, the Government had announced a target to deploy 60,000 EV charging points by 2030, of which 20,000 will be in private premises such as NLPRs, and 40,000 in public carparks.

Applications for the ECCG opened on 29 July 2021 and will be assessed on a first-come, first-served basis. The ECCG will be available until 31 December 2025, or until 2,000 chargers have been supported by co-funding, whichever is earlier. Interested parties may apply via the Government’s Business Grants Portal.

For more information on deploying EV Chargers in NLPRs, refer to the EV Guide for MCSTs (PDF, 1.9MB).

Charger installation date

The charger must not have been installed before 19 July 2021, and before an applicant had received the letter of offer from LTA, indicating the approved grant quantum. 

This is to ensure that applicants do not pre-emptively install chargers when they may not qualify for the grant.  

Installed in non-landed private residences (NLPRs)

NLPRs are defined as private developments that include residential units, with the exception of landed properties, shophouses, hotels, hostels, serviced apartments, and workers’ dormitories.

Industrial and commercial developments are not eligible for the grant.

Installed in common area of NLPRsThe chargers must be installed in a common area that is accessible to the residents in the NLPR, and shared among residents for EV charging.
Number of chargers that a NLPR is eligible forThe ECCG may co-fund the installation of smart chargers for up to 1% of residential car park lots, rounded-up to the nearest whole number. 
Example 1: If there are 140 car park lots in a NLPR, 1% of 140 =1.4, rounded-up to the nearest whole number to 2. This means that 2 chargers will be eligible for co-funding.

Example 2: If there are 70 car park lots in an NLPR, 1% of 70 = 0.7, rounded-up to the nearest whole number to 1. This means that 1 charger will be eligible for co-funding.

The ECCG is designed to catalyse deployment of chargers in as many NLPRs as possible. As such, the ECCG will only fund the installation of chargers for up to 1% of residential parking lots within each NLPR.

Installation of smart chargers

The ECCG is applicable only for Smart Chargers that have obtained a valid LNO issued by the EMA-LTA Interim-Joint-Panel. Such smart chargers facilitate energy planning and more efficient electricity consumption and allow the government to better plan and implement the relevant infrastructure required for EV charging points. 

A smart charger must minimally perform all the following functions:

  1. Able to receive and react to information received, such as by adjusting the rate of charging;
  2. Able to monitor and record energy consumption and timestamp of consumption, and be able to transmit it; and
  3. Makes use of Open Charge Point Protocol (version 1.6 or above) to transmit and receive information.

Note: Chargers eligible for co-funding under ECCG will be capped at 22kW, in line with the overall approach of slow overnight charging.

Organisations operating the smart charger must also have the capabilities to make use of its functions. Both the smart charger and the organisation operating the smart charger will be subject to a one-time review process upon application. More details on the review process and list of reviewed smart charger models and organisations can be found below.

Applicants who intend to install smart chargers that have not yet been reviewed may still apply for the ECCG. You should concurrently approach LTA to request for a review.

Co-funded components

Owners of the chargers, whether an EV Charging Operator or the owners of the NLPR (e.g. the management corporation of a strata-titled development), can apply for ECCG to cover three upfront cost components of charger installation: 

  1. Charging system (e.g. charger equipment); 
  2. Licensed electrical worker fees; and 
  3. Cabling and installation costs (subject to $1,000 cap). 

The ECCG will co-fund 50% of each of the above cost components, subject to the relevant cost component cap, and an overall cap of $4,000 per charger. GST paid on the cost components are not eligible for co-funding.

For more information on the ECCG, please refer to the Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions (PDF, 150kB)

If you have queries regarding the ECCG, contact us via email at:

Interested parties may apply via the Government’s Business Grants Portal (BGP). You will need a Corppass account in order to login to the BGP.

You are to submit the following together with your grant application: 

  1. Form A (DOC, 56kB)
  2. Letter of Confirmation between NLPR and EV Charging Operator (DOC, 36kB)
  3. Meeting minutes from NLPR’s AGM or EOGM which shows resolution being passed by NLPR’s residents’ to install EV charger(s) in the NLPR 
  4. Checklist A (XLSX, 54kB)– For applications submitted from 1st Jan 2023 onwards

You are also required to submit Form B (DOC, 40kB) for Claims Application after accepting the Letter of Offer (LOF).

The grant will be disbursed on a reimbursement basis. If a grant application is approved, applicants should pay for the cost of the items under the grant first, before claiming it from LTA. As part of the claims application, applicants must submit invoices and receipts of the cost components paid. They must be dated after the issuance date of the LOF to be eligible for co-funding. 

If a EVCO is the owner of the charger, receipts and invoices can be dated before the issuance date of the LOF if they are for hardware equipment that were purchased by the EVCO beforehand.  

You can refer to the Step-By-Step application Guide (PDF, 1MB) and Step-by-Step Claim Guide (PDF, 966kB)

Review of Smart Chargers  

Organisations interested in proving that their chargers can fulfil the smart charger criteria can do so by writing to LTA at to request a review. Please provide the following information when writing to LTA:

  1. Product specifications manual showing compliance with Open Charge Point Protocol (v1.6 or above), if available; and
  2. Other supporting documents which can certify/ demonstrate the required smart capabilities of the charger. This can include certification or documentation from the manufacturer of the charger.

Note: Chargers eligible for co-funding under ECCG will be capped at 22kW, in line with the overall approach of slow overnight charging.

Review of Smart Charger Operators 

Organisations can write to LTA at to request a review of your capabilities in operating a smart charger. Please provide the following information when writing to LTA:

  1. Propose a charging test programme which the organisation will use to demonstrate that it can control a charger’s operations, receive and record its energy consumption, and vary the charging rate. 
Online or On-site Demonstration

Upon review of the submitted document(s), LTA may request an online or on-site demonstration to further review and verify the smart capabilities of the charger or organisation. Organisations should prepare the following:

  1. An Electric Vehicle (EV);
  2. The smart charger(s) that is being reviewed (and compatible to charge the EV); OR a smart charger that has been previously reviewed (if the review is for the organisation’s capabilities); and
  3. Any associated supporting hardware and software necessary to receive data from the charger and control smart charger capabilities.

LTA will ask the organisation to demonstrate the smart charging capabilities as described under ‘Eligibility Criteria’ of the ECCG, or in the proposed charging test programme. We may also ask for further demonstrations to be shown, which may be recorded for audit purposes. 

Reviewed Chargers and Charger Operators

Solar Photovoltaic System FAQs

A solar PV system turns sunlight into electricity using panels on roofs or the ground.

Solar panels create electricity by letting sunlight free electrons, generating power.

Components include panels, inverters (convert DC to AC), mounts, and a monitoring system.

Size depends on energy needs, roof space, and budget. Professional assessment helps determine the right size.

Costs vary but average between $10,000 and $30,000 for homes. Incentives can lower expenses.

Incentives include tax credits, rebates, and local perks, significantly reducing upfront costs.

Installation varies, taking days to weeks, depending on size and complexity.

Panels are low-maintenance; regular cleaning and occasional checks are usually enough.

 Less efficient on cloudy days, no power at night, but stored energy in batteries can be used.

Panels last 25-30+ years; performance may slightly decrease over time.

Yes, by adding batteries to store excess energy for low sunlight or power outages.

Yes, studies show solar installations often boost property value.

sually covered by property insurance, but informing your insurer is wise for coverage options.

 Yes, with mounting systems designed for flat roofs.

Generates power even in moderate sunlight; professional assessment considers local climate.

DIY kits exist, but professional installation ensures safety, performance, and compliance.

Most systems come with monitoring software for real-time tracking of energy production and system health.

Yes, loans and leases make solar installations more affordable.

Standard systems shut down for safety; battery backup systems maintain power during blackouts.

Yes, through net metering, you can feed excess electricity back, earning credits on your utility bill.


GENERAL frequently asked questions

AC Charging Station: 4 to 8 hours

DC Fast Charger: 30 minutes to 1 hour

The average cost of charging is approximately 50 Singapore Cents per kWh.

Assuming the Electric Vehicle has a 50 kWh battery capacity.

Charging your EV from 10% to 100%, it would amount to a total of 45kWh x $0.50 = $22.50.

There are two types of common charging connectors, Type 1 & Type 2.

Type 2 connector is commonly used in AC charging whereas the CCS2 connector is commonly used for DC charging.

*** Note: Some older Japanese EVs such such as Nissan Leaf utilize the CHAdeMO connector.

The short answer is 'Yes". However, for your own safety, do not operate, commence or disconnect charging terminals during adverse weather conditions.


AC charging is limited to EV’s onboard charger to convert AC to DC. Therefore if the onboard AC Charger is only rated at 7kW, even if you use an 11kW AC charger, the battery can only be charged at 7kW.

On the other hand, DC Chargers have the capability of converting the AC to DC current and therefore they are able to deliver a higher current and results in faster charging times.

Contact SuperCharge.SG and we will send a team and a Licensed Electrical Worker for a free non-obligatory site inspection.

EVs are designed to automatically stop and/or trickle charge when the batteries reach near full charge to prevent overcharging and prolong battery life.


The EV Common Charger Grant (ECCG) co-funds the installation of smart chargers for up to 1% of residential carpark lots (including visitors and handicapped lots & excludes loading bay); rounded-up to the nearest whole number. 

For example, if there are 70 parking lots in an Non-Landed Private Residence (NLPR, ie condo), 1% of 70 = 0.7, rounded-up to the nearest whole number equals to 1. 1 charger is be eligible for co-funding.

Yes. However, LTA prioritizes applications of NLPRs without existing EV chargers.

Yes provided the following criteria are met:

● EV Chargers benefit more than 1 household;

● EV Chargers are for residence's exclusive use; and

● EV chargers are installed in a location owned and part of the development (e.g. not on state land).

Items not directly needed for the installation or operations of a charger are not eligible for the ECCG claims.

These include (but not limited to):

  • Signages

  • Repainting of parking lots

  • Electrical infrastructure upgrades

  • Civil infrastructure

  • Grid connection fees charged by SP Power

Applications for ECCG is done via the Business Grants Portal (BGP)SuperCharge.SG will assist you every step of the ECCG application.

More information on EV Common Charger Grant (ECCG) is found on LTA's Website.

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